HPC London Heathrow Windsor
Previously they tried to charge £10 but this may have been changed.
Reasonably nice hotel.
I visited on 9 Apr 2017 and stopped for 40 minutes for a quick top up and coffee. Paid the £10 just to register it was still in use!
There was a skip in front of it but I was able to park along the front of it without blocking the road.
Note the parking fees are enforced by Automatic Number Plate Recognition so do not try to drive off after 30 minutes free period.
Thanks Gjsolar for WD40-ing the plug's switch. It was still sliding freely.
Stopped here to confirm all was ok and give an update.Very helpful manager and concierge.Initially I was to be charged £10 for the use of the charger but when I said I would be eating in the hotel they waived the £10 cost.Hpc in good condition locked away in car park 3.Cleaned connector and gave it a spray of wd40.Good curry! (Available in bar or restaurant)